Diminished/Augmented Story
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A Complete Program.
For Practice or Lifetime Reference.
One of the least used but very important techniques is the use of Diminished and Augmented Chords, Scales, and Arpeggios. In my Diminished/Augmented Program I cover all of these. In addition to the standard Diminished and Augmented scales, I have also included the Pentatonic Diminished and Pentatonic Augmented scales.
Pentatonic Diminished Flat 9 (b9) for Rock Players
The Pentatonic Diminished scale is the Flat 9 (b9) scale. Guitarists who use the Pentatonic Scale to improvise will now have the ability to bring out the Diminished sound in their soloing.
The Pentatonic Diminished sound is so easy to play, and it goes hand and hand with the Pentatonic Scale.
Pentatonic Augmented 5 (#5) and Flat 5 (b5) for Rock Players
The Pentatonic Augmented scale is the 7#5 and the 7b5. Just as with the Pentatonic Diminished Scale, guitarists who use the Pentatonic Scale to improvise will now have the ability to bring out the Augmented sound in their soloing. The Pentatonic Augmented sound is also easy to play and it fits right in with the Pentatonic Scale.
Pentatonic Diminished Flat 9 (b9) for All Other Players
The 7b9 chord is a 5-note chord. Many players use a Diminished scale for the 7b9 sound. For a G7b9 the Diminished scale is Ab(G#), has 8 notes, and is a very strong or pure Diminished Sound. Although the G note is in the scale, it is not the Root. The G plays a supportive role and is not a strong note.
With the Pentatonic Diminished (G7b9) you have a pure 5-note G7b9 scale which also becomes your 5-note G7b9 Arpeggio. The Root G is strong, and you have a pure G7b9 sound. This enables you to have complete control of your Diminished sound when improvising.
Pentatonic Augmented Flat 5 (b5) Sharp 5 (#5) for All Other Players
Many players use an Augmented scale for the 7b5 or 7#5. The scale has 6 notes and has a feeling of never resolving. It is often used in movies for a suspended sound. You always have both the b5 and #5 in the scale.
With the Pentatonic G7b5 or G7#5 you have the pure G7b5 or G7#5 sound. The suspended non-resolving sound is gone. You also can choose when you wish to use the b5 or the #5 note without having both in the scale.
The Pentatonic Augmented (G7b5 and G7#5) allows you to have a pure 5-note G7b5 or the G7#5 scale which also becomes your 5-note G7b5 and G7#5 Arpeggios.
These choices give you great tools to have your solos ring out and put you in control of which sounds you want at any given time.
You Have Choices:
- Play through the entire book from cover to cover.
- Choose Scales, Chords, Arpeggios which are most important to you.
- Use the book as a Lifetime Reference.
No Need to Purchase another Diminished/Augmented Book
The Natural Approach Diminished/Augmented Story is complete. This is the only book you will ever need on the subject of Diminished/Augmented Techniques. 233 pages.