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A Complete Program.
For Practice or Lifetime Reference.
One of the most beautiful guitar techniques is the use of Intervals. Intervals can be used to play rhythms, melody, and improvised solos. Intervals can be used alone or in combination with single notes and chords. Knowing Intervals is a must when reading guitar charts. Once you have mastered Intervals, you will find that reading Intervals in guitar charts will be easy.
I have met many guitarists and watched them play and noticed they favor certain Intervals such as 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths and 8va’s (Octave). In this Program I cover all the Intervals from Unison (1st) to the 17th Interval. I show you that learning Intervals is not only easy to understand but easy to play.
Imagine having all these Intervals at your disposal. How would that improve your guitar playing?
Intervals Are a Must for Improvising…
If you’re asked to play in a Country Band you had better know your Intervals especially 3rds and 6ths. Country players love to use 3rds with hammer-ons and bending. Listen to how Country players use the 6th Interval as they move up and down the neck. Intervals are a very important part of Country playing.
Blues players like to use Intervals in their special way, whether a slow Blues or a fast Blues. Sliding back and forth between different 3rds is a great Blues sound.
The 4th and 5th Intervals are a must for Rock soloing. Knowing these Intervals will raise you a step above other Rock players. Using 4ths and 5ths separately, as well as joined together, is a great technique for playing Rock. They really ring out when using an overdrive sound. The 4th and 5th Interval combined is used to create power chords.
If you really want to hear Intervals, listen to to Jazz players. Whether a dreamy Ballad or a fast tune, Jazz players love to improvise with single notes while interjecting Intervals throughout their solos.
Fingerstyle guitar solo pieces are full of Intervals. The knowledge of Intervals is a must to help Fingerstyle players create their wonderful guitar pieces. Intervals play an important part when playing fingerstyle backup for a singer.
Classical music depends on Intervals to get that special Classical sound. You will find more Intervals in Classical music than any other style. It is not unusual to have a note on the 6th string and a second note on the 1st string to create the Interval.
You can see how Intervals are a must for improvising and for creating guitar solo pieces. If you lack a thorough knowledge of Intervals, you are missing out on a great creative tool.
Professional Guitarists and Intervals
Professional guitar players need a thorough knowledge of Intervals to help create the different styles they are asked to play. Intervals are also vital to help them sight read charts. These Intervals can be written as double notes or single notes.
Expanding Your Guitar Knowledge
The guitar is a beautiful instrument. A lack of Intervals may cause you to miss out on one of the sounds that makes guitar playing so special. Adding Intervals, regardless of your playing level or style, will greatly advance your playing and knowledge of the guitar.
Any technique available on the guitar that you have not learned lowers your ability to reach your highest level of creativity.
Short Practice Times
Even if you’re not looking to be a pro, wouldn’t you still want this great knowledge? You can have this knowledge of Intervals with a minimum of practice time. I have made learning Intervals simple and easy to play. Your growth happens from the first step.
This is a knowledge-based program which puts you in control of your guitar.
Master All These Intervals
Unison-Prime | 6th | 12th |
2nd | 7th | b12th |
3rd | 8th | 13th |
4th | 9th | 14th |
5th | 10th | 15th |
b5 | 11th | 16th |
17th |
Alternate Intervals
Alternate Intervals use different Interval pictures. They offer different fingerings and a different sound. This may be the first time they have ever been presented.
Alternate 5th | Alternate 6th | Alternate 9th | Alternate 11th |
* | Alternate 7th | Alternate 10th | Alternate 13th |
Alternate 14th |
The Octave (8VA) Interval
One of the nicest sounding Intervals is the 8va Interval. A famous Jazz guitarist was an expert at using 8va’s. What an amazing sound 8va’s gave to his playing. From the first note we all knew who was playing.
Learning 8va’s can be a challenge. I have seen guitarists struggle to master the entire neck using 8va’s. That struggle is over. I have found what I believe is the secret to mastering 8va’s. It is easy and simple to learn. It is so innovative I decided to give the 8va’s their own place in the book.
Once you learn this secret you will easily become an expert at playing octaves.
You Have Choices
1. Play through the entire book from cover to cover.
2. Pick and choose which Intervals are most important to you.
3. Use the book as a Lifetime Reference.
4. Use the scales I have provided for your practice and/or apply the Intervals to your own scales.
No Need to Purchase Another Interval Book
The Natural Approach Interval Program is complete. This is the only book you will ever need on the subject of Intervals.